Embark on a transformative claims education path that culminates in our newest designation, TCS. Gain the skills, knowledge, and recognition needed to excel in the dynamic realm of transportation claims.

Unveiling in May 2024, the MCIEF introduces a groundbreaking initiative – the Transportation Claims Specialist (TCS). Elevate your expertise with our best-in-class trucking claims curriculum, meticulously crafted to align seamlessly with our acclaimed underwriting-centric programs.

What makes TCS unique:

  • CE compliant for continuous professional growth
  • Tailored to the intricacies of extra heavy truck best claims practice
  • Developed by a seasoned team of trucking industry claims experts

TCS Curriculum

Course Description: This course is designed for insurance underwriting and claims professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will gain introductory knowledge of the unique operational, risk and exposure aspects of the trucking industry in order to better evaluate individual trucking lines from an insurance acceptability and coverages perspective. Participants will study trucking regulation as it relates to the ability to evaluate compliance and adherence to public safety standards. Participants will develop familiarity with helpful insurance and trucking terminology used commonly in both industries.

Level: Basic

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the American motor carrier industry, with a concentration of the for hire trucker
  • Be exposed to the evolution of motor carrier regulation and it’s impact upon insurance needs
  • Explore the duties of the truck driver and the insurance analysis of driver behavior
  • Review each dominant aspect of trucking operation that interacts with insurance underwriting considerations


Course Description: This course is designed for insurance claims professionals operating within the motor carrier industry. Participants will gain specialized knowledge in the unique attributes, characteristics and challenges of trucking claims across various lines of coverage, including Liability, Physical Damage and Cargo. The course content includes the analysis of insurance policy language relative to loss and the specific perils of loss by line of converge. Participants will study recommended business practices needed to understand and handle the unique, yet common, loss issues of the motor carrier sector.

Level: Basic

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Review and interpret insurance policy language across various coverage types in order to interpret for coverage of loss.
  • Develop the skills necessary to identify liability of the insurance policy including the impact of endorsements and changes.
  • Interpret and understand the importance of timely and accurate information gathering in claims processing.
  • Understand the unique trucking exposures by line of coverage and the need to evaluate them within the claims process.


Course Description: This course is designed for insurance underwriting and claims professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will gain introductory knowledge of the various insurance coverages purchased by motor carrriers. A detailed discussion of common coverage forms and their impact upon coverage at time of loss and impact upon the motor carriers ability to secure loads will follow. The concept of coverage comparison will be an integral part of this class where participants will discuss the various coverage options, exclusions and enhancements commonly available to motor carriers. The importance of coverage review with clients prior to binding and coverage review prior to confirmation of coverage after a loss will be emphasized.

Level: Basic

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of both the coverage review process and individual coverages themselves.
  • Be exposed to the coverage forms and the coverage comparisons needed and/or available
  • Explore the best ways to determine coverage adequecy, complience and trends
  • Review actual coverage forms and discuss the neeed to understand exclusions and enhancements to coverage


Course Description:  This course is designed for insurance claims professionals operating within the motor carrier industry. Participants will gain specialized knowledge of the trucking claims protocols and standards of care across various lines of coverage.  The course content covers the claims processing spectrum, guiding participants through the intricacies of investigation, determining liability, pursuing subrogation, assessing damages, evaluating bodily injury, and mastering negotiation and settlement strategies unique to the motor carrier sector. Case analysis and a discussion of best practices for fast and fair resolution will be integral to this class.

Level: Intermediate

Educational Learning Objectives: :

  • Develop an understanding of the timeline related activities for various lines of trucking claims
  • Be exposed to the impact of timeliness and thoroughness upon the outcome of reported loss.
  • Explore the duties of claims personnel to properly oversee and fairly adjudicate trucking insurance claims.
  • Review specific cases in order to discuss both good and failed business practices related to trucking claims.


Course Description: This course is designed for insurance underwriting, production and claims professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will review the need to understand risk exposures before the determination of coverage needs. Subsequently, participants will review enforce coverages and develop understanding of the importance of coverage review. A detailed discussion of coverages either mandated or commonly procured by motor carriers will be a primary focus of this class for participants. A discussion if relevant coverage scenarios designed to encourage thoughtful discussion of coverage needs will be conducted. Also, participants will compare relevant coverage options and the importance of ongoing coverage comparisons.

Level: Intermediate

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the sophisticated tools used to determine both coverage needs and coverage review
  • Be exposed to a robust discussion with actual coverage scenario examples for motor carriers
  • Explore the options available including exclusions, retentions, limits and how they impact at time of loss
  • Review various coverage forms and compare issues that impact motor carriers, insurers and agents


Course Description: This course is designed for all insurance professionals who work with motor carriers. A robust discussion of many aspects of fraud related to both motor carriers and insurers will be the focus of this class. Examination of various points of exposure, premium and coverage validity will be detailed and then discussed by participants. Participants will examine important tools and tactics to assure proper evaluation of information verification by using both judgment and objective ais designed to help evaluate truthfulness and accuracy of information related to motor carriers. As well, examination of production standards and the issues of omission will be addressed.

Level: Intermediate

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the fundamental importance of true, complete, timely and relevant risk information
  • Be exposed to the various aspects of misrepresentation issues affecting both underwriting and claims results
  • Explore the tools and sources used to verify and validate information used in the decision making process
  • Review specific and reoccurring examples of misrepresentation to develop effective response strategies


Course Description: This course is designed for experienced insurance professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will review the distinctions and similarities focused for analysis of motor carriers based primarily upon risk size. The different risk mitigation strategies presented to and used by larger motor carriers will be addressed and discussed. Possibilities and differences of various insurance structures and retention of risk by motor carriers will be an important area of study. Analysis of historic information to objectively determine the cost of various coverage scenarios will be used to assist participants in the relevancy and desirability of different coverage options. Also, the duties of various insurance rolls and functions will be discussed.

Level: Advanced

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the various options for the retention of risk.
  • Be exposed to the objective risk review process for the purpose of assisting in coverage options and comparisons.
  • Explore the differnces ands similaritries of risk review based upon the size aqnd complexity of potential insureds.
  • Review the important risk charactoristics that assist with both the coverage and claims strategies.


Course Description: This course is designed for experienced insurance underwriting and claims professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will review important risk aspects of both trucking firms and the insurance coverages provided to them. The common issues surrounding difficulty evaluating both coverage needs and availabilities for motor carriers will be discussed. Individual risk Exposure characteristics, history and deficient practices will be addressed as both roadblocks to success and opportunities for positive change. Impact upon future loss costs based upon pubic risk characteristics and exposures will be considered. The importance of integrity and high standards for all insurance professionals interacting with the motor carrier industry will be addressed.

Level: Advanced

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of risk evaluation for motor carriers who have issues which need attention
  • Be exposed to the methodologies generally accepted to address motor carrier issues from an underwriting perspective
  • Explore the impact of risk issues upon claims frequency and the average cost of loss.
  • Review plans that have positive impact helping to resolve risk issues and the related cost of insurance


Course Description: This course is designed for experienced insurance claims professionals who work with motor carriers. Participants will study both broad and specific attributes of severe transportation claims. Participants will review aspects of coverage, including detailed analysis of relevant historic interpretation of applicability. With review of important strategic aspects of significant transportation claims. A discussion of resolution strategies will include several tactical options dependent upon individual claims case characteristics. Analysis and review of litigation issues and all other relevant issues to understand important options of resolution will be a significant focus for all participants.

Level: Advanced

Educational Learning Objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the processes used in handling severe losses.
  • Be exposed to actual claims cases to discuss possible strategies and outcomes.
  • Explore the need for aggressive interaction and oversight in order to reduce negative development possibilities
  • Review specific claims case successes and failures to acess the most likely ways to limit undesirable results.


Upcoming TCS Educational Events

TCS Educational Requirements

In order to become a Transportation Claims Specialist, you must complete all of the following educational requirements:

1. Your work entity must be an active MCIEF Member
2. You must complete the 40 hour TCS core curriculum

Each year a TCS Graduation is held at our Annual Conference. While attendance is not required, this is our opportunity to honor and recognize your TCS designation!

To maintain your TCS Designation, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Your work entity must be an active MCIEF Member
2. Attend 5 Truck Stops or Claims Corner Podcasts within a two-year period
3. Attend at least one of the following events every two years:
a. Annual Conference
b. Western Conference
c. TRS Summit
4. Complete a minimum of 8 hours TCS Intermediate or Advanced level curriculum every two years